Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things to ponder.

What is evil?

Is evil a physical thing, or something that was created? is it a entity that has always existed by its self and doesn't need any thing to exist ( Humans, devil etc ) Does it even exist? 

- My opinion:  Evil is the absence of God.   Its everything that isn't holy.   its the exact opposite image of God.  So is a real physical thing?  - Yes and no, but its not a created thing.   It's a choice rather or not to be like God: Righteous.   

Are all people Evil? Are you a sinner simply because you have a sin nature?  - what is a sin nature?  Where did it come from?  Have we always had one? 

All people aren't evil, because all people who have believed and act on their faith are redeemed by Christs blood.   Hence why we can have a relationship with God.   Because we have been redeemed.   if we hadn't we wouldn't be able too, because God is completely pure, justified and holy.   And God cannot dwell with evil.

No, not all people are sinners, yet. the bible says all have the ability\choice to be perfect.   But none will.   So, people aren't born inherently evil.   People are born pure and clean.  With a tendency to sin.   Once they make a choice to sin or not.   Is when they become a sinner or remain sinless (Jesus)   What is a sin nature?   A sin nature, is a nature\ tendency? to sin.   But it doesn't make us sinful.  Unless we act upon that nature.    Then we become a sinner.     My ultimate take on sin nature is the ability to see what good is and what evil is, and the ability to choose to do one or the other  - the sin nature comes in, in the fact that our nature is leaning towards the sin aspect.   Its not that we are destined to sin.   We still have the choice.   its just none after Jesus will choice to never sin. 

We didn't have a sin nature until Adam and Eve sinned.   -   if eating from the tree was a sin, and Adam and Eve knew so ( They knew God told them not too, and to not disobey God ) Then how did they not have the Knowledge of good and evil until after they sinned?  ....   I'd argue that they didn't have the Knowledge of evil - but had the Knowledge of good (God) hence why they had to be deceived to eat of the tree.     Once they made their choice: to sin.   Not only did they immediately know it was wrong, but they knew completely what wrong was,  and they knew shame.   So without sin, there is no shame.

Why did their choice to sin cause the rest of humanity to have a sin nature, and know the difference and be able to be tempted by the Devil.   And the Devil be able to have power over people who are not believers?

This is how I think about it.   Image our world today,  completely sinless, completely shameless and guiltless.    everyone is in perfect harmony with each other,  there is no hate (because hate is a sin) everyone is consumed with perfect pure love for another.  -  Now image that somewhere in the world\or heavens there is evil or rather the opposite of God.   (The devil, and all his followers)  Now, if people don't have the Knowledge of sin.   Or evil, or have the temptation to sin.   What hold\tempting could the devil possibly have over people?  - That's why it was so important to get us to have the Knowledge.  And once there was the Knowledge,   Not only will every person be tempted.   But that was when the first sin was done.   We know from the gospels that satan had no power over Jesus.    Because Jesus was perfect and holy.   So, he has no power over perfect and holy people.    Not only does he have no power but he really cant even do much.   So, my opinion is.  Once Adam and Eve sinned.   it unleashed the devil and his army to be able to ..tempt people.     I kinda think that before since people where perfect and holy he couldn't even do anything to them.   (why he had to deceive them first)  So once they sinned, and made the choice to take part in evil.   Evil existed in the earth.   And since evil existed satan had power.     Sadly for satan.   he still...just can't get the victory though.   :-)  

So, in essence evil is when we chose to sin.   Evil cannot exist in a perfect life.   -  Evil isn't physical evil is the result of people\angels choosing to be the opposite of God: satan, all the other fallen angels.  etc.     And No, God didn't create evil.   It wasn't created, it was chose to exist - by satan.   And was farthered on and unleashed by Adam and Eves decision.

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